Narrative Text : Fairy Tales, Definition, Structure, and Language Features of Narrative Text

When you were a child, did your parents like telling stories before you slept? What kinds of stories have you heard? There are many kinds of stories, such as fairy tales, fables, folktales, and legends. Can you differentiate them? In this chapter, you are going to discuss about narrative text, expecialy faory tales.

Narrative Text : Fairy Tales

A narrrative text is a text that tells a story. Stories belong to narratives. They can be imaginary, factual, or combination of both.
In this chapter, we are going to analyze fairy tales. A fairy tale is a simple story about magical creatures. A fairy tale is a kind of folktale or fable. In these stories, there are witches and queens, giants and elves, prince and princess, dragons, talking animal, and fairies. In other words, marvelous and magical things happen to characters in fairy tales. Fairy tales were told and retold for generation.

Narrative text, fairy tales

Structure of Fairy Tales

Narratives are conveyed in three steps. First, you have to introduce the characters and the setting. This part is called orientation. Then, you present the problem or the conflict in the story. It is called complication. The last part is the solution of the problem or the ending of the story. It is called resolution. Those three steps are usually called the general structure of a narrative text.

In conclusion, orientation contains about who were involved in the story, when, and where introduces specific participants and setting. Complication contains a problem which arises followed by other problems. Complication explores the conflict in the story. It shows the crisis, rising crisis, and climax of the story. Resolution shows the situation which the problem have been resolved. The social function of fairy tales is to entertain the readers, but they also tell important truths about state the lesson or the moral at the end of the story.

Language Features of Narrative Text

The following are the language features of narrative text.

  1. Focus on specific or individualized participant.

  2. Use simple past tense.

  3. Use temporal conjunction.

  4. Use direct and indirect speech.

  5. Use saying verbs, thinking verbs, and action verbs.

There are many kinds of verbs that you should know. Pay attention to the following kinds of verbs!
1. Linking verbs. They connect a noun with words that identify or describe the noun.
Examples : belong, get, look, appear, be (is, are).
2. Relating Verbs. They link the subject and the rest of the sentences.
Examples : classify, divide, consist, and group.
3. Behavioral Verbs. Tehy are verbs of physiological and psychological behavior of living things.
Examples : breathe, feed, snore, smile, dream.
4. Saying Verbs. They are verbs of talking in direct speech.
Examples : say, speak, tell, ask, explain, reply, answer, whisper, shout, scream.
5. Action Verbs/Material Verbs,/Doing Verbs. Tehey are verbs of doing.
Example : go, write, build, make, create, etc.
6. Mental Verbs/Thinking Verbs. They are verbs of sensing : feeling, thinking, and perceiving.
Example : like, love, hate, enjoy, understand, believe, see, watch, hear, listen, etc.

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1 komentar:

6 Mei 2021 22.52 delete

Thank you for the writing. It helps me.
